
We are pleased to offer an incredible and original collection of sculptures, energy generators and power figures.

Each sculpture is handcrafted exclusively by the artist.
The selection of crystals incorporated in these and all other art works, where featured, are carefully selected to add crystal energy to the power of the artwork.

Scientists define energy as the ability to do work. Civilization is possible because people have learned how to change energy from one form to another and then use it to do work. These art pieces, sculptures, power generators and power figures are a combination of art and nature that create an energetic catalyst, generating focus and striving for wellness with wealth, health and spiritual harmony for any environment.

Each sculpture comes with a description card of the crystal selected and its suggested focus or application. These sculptures are all center pieces that are exclusive and original in every sense of their creation.

All the works presented by Nicholas Price Studio are incredible conservation and conversation artworks guaranteed to be only one of a kind in the world, for the home or business environment.

A Certificate of Authenticity also accompanies each work sold, and a copy of the document is held in our records and archives to validate the authenticity and original ownership of the work after acquisition.

Please take a closer look at our most recent collection, each a unique journey in transforming every possible environment – home, office, personal space or business into a showcase of elegance, functionality, and unique charm.

Sculpture Gardens

Nicholas A. Price has always created garden sculptures for clients around the world and didn't realize how really unique, functional and important his art was for the desert environment until he moved his studio to Southern Nevada.
Not only are his sculptures beautiful to look at, they never require watering! The sculptures are all one of a kind original works of art. The Artist uses some interesting recycled and reclaimed materials, including copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass and wood.Sometimes at a client's request, he will also use semi- precious stones and metals. Over time, some metals, like the copper, patina to a beautiful green color.

The sculptures require little maintenance if none at all and look amazing indoors or out, including desert themed landscaping or in a courtyard.

This page shows a small example from an extensive collection


The Captains Paradise

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These are just a small sample of our collections available for acquisition.

If you require more information please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

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